Regionalni sajam poslova je bio novost za našu tvrtku u 2022. godini i ugodno nas je iznenadio. Prije svega efektivnošću, ljubaznošću i brzinom Moj Posao tima, a onda i brojem i kvalitetom prijava na objavljene natječaje.
Rezultati Sajma su za nas bili krucijalni za pripremu sezone 2023. te se svakako veselimo novim zajedničkim projektima. Svakome tko želi aktivnu prisutnost na tržištu, izdašan broj kandidata i brzu reakciju, toplo preporučam Regionalni sajam poslova.
As a specialized German company in the field of IT, where we deal with the development of test software for the automotive industry, it turned out to be very useful to participate in the Reginal job fair. We have been operating in Croatia for the last three years and, like this one, we have been present at the fair all three years. The Regional job fair proved to be a useful online platform for us as an employer who hires every business year to introduce ourselves to interested and qualified engineer profiles, but also very useful for them to learn more about dSPACE and about our work, working conditions, and projects. At the fair itself, we received more feedback from the applicants that our projects are challenging and that it is exactly what engineers want in their daily work.
Virtual days of careers and knowledge in 2015 gave us the opportunity to present our job offer and Kaufland's advantages as an employer through a very dynamic and interactive medium, close to today's job seekers. We believe that the Fair is an excellent platform for connecting supply and demand in the local labor market.
We are proud of the fast and digitized processes we use in the recruitment process at Transcom. We strive to provide job candidates with open and transparent communication at all times. This is exactly why we found an ideal partner in the Regional Job Fair - a platform that visitors can access digitally and quickly and easily find out everything they are interested in working at Transcom. Year after year, we gladly participate in and support the Fair!