With the development of new technologies and the new ways of living and acting, the virtual fair is used for easier dissemination of information and greater opportunities for communication with all those interested in working positions in our company" - Stevce Ristevski, Responsible for employee training and development.

Stevche RistevskiCountry Training & Development Manager (KSMK-Bt & KSMK-Il)

For the past 2 years, Neptun has been a part of the regional virtual career fair, and indeed this fair exceeded our modest expectations." We were pleasantly surprised by the response, as well as the quality of applicants we received. A nice opportunity to connect companies and potential interested candidates.

Aneta DudanovaEmployer Recruitment and Branding Manager, Neptune Macedonia

Last year's regional employment fair for Zhikol was a great experience. Through the fair, the labor market is approached in an innovative way. The ultimate positive outcome of the regional employment fair is the realization of cooperation with a large number of employment candidates, as well as the opportunity to develop new skills in line with world trends.

Anastasia RistevskaHuman Resources Specialist

Дигитализацијата е стратешка определба на Македонски Телеком, и токму виртуелниот саем е одлично дигитално искуство кое ни овозможи брз и ефикасен пристап до потенцијални кандидати. Прикажувајќи дел од нашиот магента свет, добивме голема база на потенцијални кандидати со аспирации да станат дел од Т- семејството.  #telekom_mk #wewontstop #GoodMagenta 

Irena Leshkovska VasevaHR РЕГРУТЕР
Телеком АД – Скопје

A simple, affordable and great digital experience that gave us access to a lot of talented people.

Ana JankuloskaTalent Management & Employee Engagement Team Manager

Често учествуваме на саеми за вработување, а виртуелниот саем беше ново позитивно искуство, каде успеавме на еден поширок аудиториум на работобаратели да им ја претставиме нашата компанија и предностите за вработување во Адиент. Интерактивноста ни овозможи да одговориме на голем број на прашања кои ги имаа потенцијалните кандидати, а секако резултатот – поголем број на биографии за нашата база за потенцијални кандидати, ни овозможи да имаме поширок избор при нови вработувања. Верувам дека овој виртуелен саем и на работобарателите им овозможи поедноставно да се запознаат со поголем број на компании.  

Makedonka Karamanoleva JosifovaHuman Resources Specialist

With the virtual fair, companies get more visibility to potential candidates, compared to traditional standing at a stand and handing out flyers. Online events are also popular among a diverse population, especially young people. We at Wabtec follow new trends and participate in such events. Last year we received excellent candidates and we expect the same this year.

Ivan NaumovskiHR Specialist, WABTEC MZT AD Skopje

The virtual job fair allowed us to get closer to high-quality candidates for our team, through the presentation of the basic Nelt's corporate values, which are: long-term perspective, innovation, personal responsibility, concern for people and winning mentality.

Jasna KosteskaJunior HR Business Partner,
Нелт Ст

The virtual fair was something new for us and it was a very positive experience that helped us to present in a different, interesting, and modern way. There was a lot of positive feedback and we received a large number of new candidates ready to become part of the Marquardt family.

Tanja F. PenkovaМенаџер за човечки ресурси,
Маркарт Македонија

A completely new digital experience that is in line with the strategy of A1 Macedonia: - "Empowering digital life".

Maja Anchevska CvetkovskaHuman resources specialist, A1 Macedonia