A completely new digital experience that is in line with the strategy of A1 Macedonia: - "Empowering digital life".
A virtual fair is an excellent tool and way to digitize the employee recruitment process. The event helped us to enrich the company's resume database with potential candidates, according to the required positions. We sincerely hope that such events will be organized in the future.
Parkland Hospitality Group
The regional virtual fair, as a unique event in the region related to Employer Branding, allowed us to present our company to candidates through a virtual stand. Gas stations Gazprom and NIS Petrol, managed by G-Petrol d.o.o. Sarajevo, has been one of the most desirable employers in the labor market in the oil sector for several years in a row. Thanks to the great interest in our company, we have established open communication with candidates through direct chat. Those interested received answers to all questions about the conditions and way of working in our company, vacancies, as well as how to apply to the candidate database.
Our way of doing business is focused on the individual development and education of our team members because we truly believe that employees are the greatest value of our company. Through the regional virtual job fair, we managed to close very important positions and we are satisfied with the number of applications we receive through the fair.
Bring commitment, you will get opportunities! – is the guiding star of JYSK's entire business, and attracting, developing, and retaining talent is the main goal of the Human Resources department.
In the regional virtual fair, we find a reliable partner we can rely on, who listens to our needs and proposes solutions, following trends and using new technologies.
Regional job fair offers that all visitors are given the needed information and be familiarized with our business and that they are given all the content possible, no matter their location. Easy acces, quick information exchange and connecting with the attendants are just a few things that the regional job offers and are very important to our company PLIVA, that has been present for the last consecutive years.
Virtualni sejem nam omogoča priložnost da svojo ponudbo zaposlitev, ter prednosti Kauflanda kot delodajalca predstavimo skozi zelo dinamičen in interaktiven medij, ki je zelo blizu današnjim iskalcem zaposlitve. Verjamemo, da je Sejem odlična platforma za povezovanje ponudbe in povpraševanja na lokalnem trgu dela.
Ponosni smo na hitre in digitalizirane procese ki jih uporabljamo pri zaposlovanju v Transcomu. Kandidatom za zaposlitev se trudimo ponuditi odprto in transparentno komunikacijo v vsakem trenutku. Ravno zaradi tega smo v Regionalnem zaposlitvenem sejmu našli idealnega partnerja – platformo ki ji lahko obiskovalci pristopijo digitalno, ter hitro in brez težav izvedo vse kar jih zanima o delu v Transcomu. Vsako leto z veseljem sodelujemo in podpiramo Sejem!
The concept of the fair and the presentation of the participating companies are well thought out, and the visitors of the fair can easily get to know the company, its culture, and its values. The company and candidates can also achieve direct communication, which allows us to introduce candidates to what we do in a simple way, and the characteristics of the positions we are advertising. Infostud's online Job Fair is the ideal solution to give companies outstanding visibility on the labour market, get closer to candidates in a simple and efficient manner, and present what we can offer.
Last year, Univerexport participated in the Regional Job Fair for the first time, giving us the chance to present ourselves to the labour market and potential candidates for employment in a new and modern way. The interest was great, and as a result, we enriched the candidate pool with a significant number of applications and hired a lot of new people interested in working in the trade. We will continue to use online employment since it is the most effective technique to get great outcomes during the selection process.